The Four Noble Truths : 1. Explanation of the Noble Truth of Suffering
The Lord Buddha’s explanation of suffering includes all four of suffering’s implications in the light of the Four Noble Truths:
Fruits of Merit
This benefit takes effects very quickly. Once we do good things, our mind becomes purer. We do not have to wait until the next life, but it occurs in our mind instantly.
Ways to Show Respect to Worthy Pnes
Physical Respect Regardless of whether we are sitting, walking, or sleeping, we should pay respect when being in front of images or statues representing those worthy of respect
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Blameless Work (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Eighteen :- Blameless Work.
Author’s Preface
Buddhism is unique in teaching a way to overcome suffering, with its aim definitively to liberate oneself from the Cycle of Existence [vadda-samsara] thereby attaining the highest eternal happiness
The Kalyanamitra School
A school that is a kalyanamitra School can be a school of any levels, whether it be primary, secondary
Social Disaster : Protection and Correction
Before inventing the measures to protect the society from the great disaster and to correct it, one must fathom the true root of the disaster
Why we have to study the Blessings?
There is one interesting point of life. Only studying a lot to achieve great intelligence in order to have a good job and to earn a lot o9f money is not enough to be born as a human being
Social Disaster : 3. The Husband-Wife Relationship
With or without divorce, the consequences of marital neglect are far-reaching. If a husband and wife do not cherish one another according to the advice of the Buddha
The kalyanamitra Home
The word ‘kalyanamitra’ means good friend. A good friend must have all the Seven Characteristics described previously